What Are Root Canals?

Root canal therapy is a type of endodontic treatment. Endodontics is the branch of dentistry that focuses on studying and treating the inside of your tooth. When tooth decay penetrates your tooth enamel, it can cause infection and damage to the dental pulp and tooth nerves. If this infection is not treated in a timely fashion, the tooth can eventually die and require removal. At Advanced Family Dental Care, we do everything within our power to save your tooth and your smile. Root canal therapy is one way we achieve this goal.

What Steps Are Involved In A Root Canal?

Root canal therapy requires that we remove all infected dental pulp and tooth damage while restoring the integrity and strength of your tooth. To do this, we first numb the affected tooth with local anesthesia. Then, we remove any signs of infection or decay and thoroughly clean the space that is left. A medicated material is then placed inside of your tooth and the tooth is sealed. Once completed, Dr. Dustin Wilde, our skilled dentist, can protect the tooth with a dental filling or crown in order to protect the tooth, restore its natural functions and provide a pleasing aesthetic look.

If you are experiencing severe tooth pain, especially when biting or chewing, you may need root canal in Anchorage, Alaska. To schedule your appointment, call our office today at 907-561-1330.